Thursday, August 30, 2007

Asthmatic risk increases with weight increase

Asthmatic risk increases with weight increase

 As for passing weight and the person of obesity, it made the asthma clear in comparison with the person of standard weight, was published to the medical magazine “American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine” April edition that it is easy to emerge. The research group when tackling asthmatic management, has expressed that it is necessary to keep seriously considering proper weight management.

 The American stand hygienic laboratory (NIH) according to, as for the asthma in the inflammation of the windpipe and the chronic disease which accompanies strangulation, as for healing it is difficult, but there is many a thing whose management is possible. Repeatability ringing , (the weir), there to be a condition such that it is easy to cause the allergy, the number of affection in the United States people includes child patient 9,000,000 and is called approximately 2,000 ten thousand people. According to recent investigation, obesity or it passes American 65% and it assumed that it is weight, also connection of the asthma and obesity was shown in former research.

 In the latest research, the American stand Judean medical research center (Denver) E. Rand Sutherland doctors, in 1966~2006 year above the total 330,000 3,000 people targeting examined the data of 7 research which were inspected BMI (obesity exponent) with concerning the asthma in the United States, Canada and Europe. It hit to the review, under BMI25 “standard weight”, “passed it adopted the 25~29 and, weight” and the standard scale which makes 30 or more “becoming fat”. As a result, BMI as for the person of 25 or more asthmatic emergence ratio 50% is high, weight increases following and you say that also risk increasing was ascertained. As a result man and woman difference was not recognized.

 The research group have assumed that passing weight dangerous factor (the risk factor) with has the necessity to add the asthma to one of the disease which becomes, on the basis of this knowledge. When obesity or it passes and thinks of the population of the weight person, as for American who has asthmatic risk rather than being thought so far, several 1,000,000 people mean many thing, but you say that there is also a possibility where annual 250,000 can decrease the asthmatic patient with “substantial loss in quantity” on the one hand. But, unless it passes and there is no disease depending upon weight, because decrease of lung capacity and restraint of the breast-wall is pulled up, there being a breathing apparatus condition, always, the asthma it limits, the specialist has expressed.

 Another specialist in former research lists the fact that it is not made clear concerning man and woman difference, the latest research has expressed at this point in time that it is interesting. It is difficult to make the causal relation clear, whether the asthma of the not yet diagnosis which is from or the time before where obesity really becomes cause of the asthma with obesity increase badness it does but obscurity, that obesity is dangerous factor of the grave asthma, we have assumed that you are not wrong.

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