Friday, September 7, 2007

With step-down medicine risk increase of innate deficiency

With step-down medicine risk increase of innate deficiency

 ACE which is used for step-down pressure medicine remedy well (the angiotensin conversion enzyme) the obstruction medicine, pregnancy 1st period (the first 3 months of pregnancy) with use safety what cannot be said was suggested. When this medicine pregnancy 2nd period and is used in 3rd period, when it is known from the time before, that it becomes cause of innate deficiency, pregnancy is ascertained, change to other cure was done, but being most desirable to avoid the ACE obstruction medicine, from the research which is published to the American medical magazine “New England Journal of Medicine” June 8th number, via all the gestation periods was shown.

 The american Vanderbilt university (Tennessee) medical department pediatrics associate professor William O. as for Cooper, with 29,096 example which has not been disclosed to the step-down medicine is born in 1985-2000 concerning the infant 29,507 example which, 209 examples which are disclosed to the ACE obstruction medicine and 202 examples which are disclosed to the other step-down medicines, via pregnancy all period to only pregnancy 1st period, you inspected concerning the main innate deficiency which first is recognized in 1. As a result, in the infant of 856 examples which hit to 2.9%, the heart blood vessel, the muscle framework, the alimentary canal, you could see the innate deficiency of the central nerve and the urinary organs, etc there was plural deficiency as 203 examples. The girl the ACE obstruction medicine is used in comparison with the woman who does not use the step-down medicine altogether, heart blood vessel deficiency risk approximately 4 times was high, also central nervous deficiency 4 times was high. As for increase of the innate deficiency risk by the other step-down medicines you say that it was not seen.

 The ACE obstruction medicine how doing, you do not know whether it makes the risk of innate deficiency increase, but according to Cooper, when from the fact that it operates step-down pressure due to the fact that the ACE obstruction medicine obstructs the angiotensin enzyme, this enzyme is obstructed to the time when the internal organs of the fetus are formed you say that you can think that it can obstruct normal formation.

 Is approved in 1980-2000 as for 90% or more of the prescription medicine which the risk for the fetus is not recognized, difficulty of judgment is pointed out. According to the [chiyaritei] group March of Dimes which researches the health of the child, in the United States every year it can recognize innate deficiency in presumption 120,000 infants, as for approximately 70% it says that cause is unclear. When the woman of childbirth marriageable age uses the ACE obstruction medicine, the doctor it is necessary to consult well.

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