Saturday, September 22, 2007

Diabetes and smoking dangerous factor of legs artery disease

If the peripheral artery disease that (the PROPELLANT-ACTUATED DEVICE), the presumption 8,000,000 ~ 12,000,000 person it is in the United States, in the disease which the peripheral artery blocks, the same thing happens with the heart blood vessel, it becomes cause of the heart seizure and the like. In the PROPELLANT-ACTUATED DEVICE, blockade the leg (the legs) it occurs in the large blood vessel when and, there are times when it occurs in the small blood vessel, it was reported, but that there is the decisive difference in these 2 types, with the medical magazine “Circulation” May 30th number the dangerous factor which differs respectively (the risk factor) it is.

 Condition differs respectively, when it occurs in the large blood vessel, the crotch joint and the thigh, wipes the PROPELLANT-ACTUATED DEVICE of 2 types, and others there is many a thing where the antalgic spasm which in the joint is settled in several minutes happens. In case of the small blood vessel, besides the fact that there is a cold impression, recovery of wounding becomes slow, heavily seriously with case there are also times when cutting is required.

 The american University of California San Diego school (UCSD) medical department professor Michael H. Victor Aboyans doctors of Criqui doctor and France and the Dupuytren university hospital, when starting the research and after that 4.6 years, the arm, measured the blood pressure of the finger of the ankle and the foot respectively the man and woman 403 person of the large blood vessel PROPELLANT-ACTUATED DEVICE concerning small blood vessel PROPELLANT-ACTUATED DEVICE patient 290, compared. As for index of the PROPELLANT-ACTUATED DEVICE, the blood pressure of the ankle 90% or less of the blood pressure of the arm, the blood pressure of the finger of the foot is 70% or less of the arm. This decrease ratio and diabetes, the hypertension, smoking and cholesterol value etc various dangerous factors of the PROPELLANT-ACTUATED DEVICE which is known so far were together examined.

 As a result, as for significant dangerous factor only diabetes it was found concerning the small blood vessel PROPELLANT-ACTUATED DEVICE, that is. As for the most significant dangerous factor of the large blood vessel PROPELLANT-ACTUATED DEVICE with smoking, as for the smoker the ratio which deteriorates substantially in comparison with the non smoker 3.2 times was high. You say that also high cholesterol becomes important index. It did not become with clear index mass drinking (week 21 container of or more) and concerning the hypertension.

 According to Aboyans, “as for being most unexpected, you say that diabetes being unrelated in advance of the large blood vessel PROPELLANT-ACTUATED DEVICE” is. Criqui, points out that it is important to measure the both blood pressure of the finger of the ankle and the foot concerning the patient who has especially diabetes. In addition, as for the latest result, the anti- solidification medicine and when the remedy by the cholesterol decrease medicine star chin it is something which supports the current PROPELLANT-ACTUATED DEVICE remedy guideline which recommends, in addition also the anti- blood platelet medicine like aspirin it is effective Criqui has expressed.

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