Saturday, September 22, 2007

The lung cancer type changes with the filter tobacco

 The filter it was attached to 1950 age and agreeing to the time when the tar tobacco is introduced low, the lung cancer (the cancer) the gland cancer inside starts increasing was ascertained, was announced at the 12th worldwide lung cancer academic society which is held in the Korean Seoul.

 As for this research, American [tahutsu] - new England medical center (Tufts-NEMC, Boston) Gray M. Strauss doctors, the American stand cancer laboratory of 1975~2003 year (NCI) due to SEER (Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results) those which analyzed the data of the program. The lung cancer patient of 300,000 7,000 blacks and the white (75% when diagnosing 60 years old or more) the gland cancer, the flat epithelium cancer and the large cell cancer (as for this three collecting, the “non small cell lung cancer” was classified targeting, 1975~79 year, 80~84 year, 85~89 year, 90~94 year, 95~99 year, concerning 6 periods of 2000~03 year, in the United States 85% of the lung cancer is occupied) and inspected the ratio of four main lung cancer of the small cell lung cancer.

 As a result, the gland cancer to occupy cancer 47% of the whole lung in 00~03 year, regardless of race, age and sex the most numerous and clarification. As for the gland cancer it was restricted cancer to 5% of the whole lung in 1950 age, the flat epithelium cancer was most, but the sixties shell gland cancer to start increasing, from 75~79 year to 95~99 year 62% increase. With the woman 75~79 year, with the man pulling out the flat epithelium cancer in 80~84 year, it became most numerous. Because there is no vital statistics data regarding smoking in SEER, the result and the filter which examined the data regarding the trend of tobacco production and the consumer of 50 years of the United States it was attached and low it became clear for utilization of the tar tobacco and increase of gland cancer ratio to be related closely.

 As for market share of the filter tobacco, being 1% in 1950, to 1964 64% rapid increase, to 2007 increases up to 98%. The gland cancer now in the most general type of lung cancer, presently 2nd rank of the cause of death due to the cancer has reached, you say that the person who dies in the gland cancer due to smoking probably will exceed the death person by the colon cancer.

 As for increase of this gland cancer, whether is not, in order to suck the smoke to the filter by the fact that it is the hole in order to make easy, the smoker the carcinogen to suck to the depths of the bronchial tube and the lung, that as for Strauss guess. When the new carcinogen is borne by the fact that the tobacco company changed the production method of the tobacco, it is safe, when the consumer the vine of the result and the gland cancer which several dozen years were continued to deceive (the [ma] is) the circumstance, extending was created, Strauss points out.

 The person who has the family history of the lung cancer in research of thing and Japan where in another research which is announced in the meeting, as for the hand cheroot carcinogenic characteristic is higher than the tobacco of the packing being completed, raises lung cancer risk was shown the lung cancer (the especially flat epithelium cancer) the fact that among other things the ratio which emerges is high.

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