Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Popularity of the overseas medical tour which increases in the United States

Popularity of the overseas medical tour which increases in the United States

 In the United States, high level and seeking the medical care of price low attendant upon soaring of medical expense and increasing the non insurer population, you say that the person who goes out to “the medical tour” to the foreign country is increased rapidly. According to the statistics 2005, in the United States hit 15% or more of population approximately 4,500 ten thousand people who in insurance not yet joining. The person who in 2006 goes out to overseas travel with medical purpose estimating little, is estimated that it redoubles, in 2007 with 150,000 person or more.

 The medical tour company which is cooperated with the special travel agency has been born successively in the American all earth, also the insurance company of part has joined to this match. For example in California state, medical insurance company Health Net targeting the insured of Latin American type, exceeding the border, it executes the program which can receive medical care in Mexico. In addition, at another insurance company, year 400,000 the [bamurunrado] international hospital of the tie which is accepted (Bangkok) with to receive remedy it is possible the patient from the foreign country.

 Amount of the medical expense which can be saved with the medical care which exceeds the border is large. For example, when heart bypass technique is received inside the United States, 130,000 dollar (approximately 1,560 ten thousand Yen) the place where it requires, in India 10,000 dollar (approximately 1,200,000 Yen), with the tie 10,000 1,000 dollars (approximately 1,320,000 Yen) may be. But as for cost of crotch joint substitution technique, in the United States 40,000 3,000 dollars (approximately 5,160,000 Yen), in tie or Singapore 10,000 2,000 dollars (approximately 1,440,000 Yen). As for uterus extraction technique, in the United States 20,000 dollar (approximately 2,400,000 Yen), in India 3,000 dollars (approximately 360,000 Yen). Also the hospital of the foreign country which receives recognition the system JCAHO which you appraise & recognize the American medical treatment facility and the like (the American medical treatment facility appraisal joint committee) with international section Joint Commission International increases.

 Of course, it is not the case that completely it is not risk in medical tour. The person who “remedy is thought the leisure next” it is, but when you urge favorable recovery and in order to hold down the risk of the complication, leisure behavior such that you pass at the seashore you should refrain, the specialist points out. In addition, unless the hospital and the doctor are chosen prudently, besides the fact that there is a possibility remedy level being low, also the possibility medical tour becoming infection enlargement route of the disease is pointed out.

 The hospital is chosen through the agency even with, you verify the presence of recognition in advance, concerning the number and success ratio of executions of operation you say that it is important to inspect properly. The specialist is accustomed to catching, also that you discuss with the doctor well recommends. Medical tour to here at the presently it develops, kind of the fact that is denied to the [mu] [ge] to the doctor is when it is little.

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