Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Decrease of olfactory sense in estimate factor of Alzheimer's disease

Decrease of olfactory sense in estimate factor of Alzheimer's disease

The possibility decrease of the olfactory sense being early sign of acknowledgment obstacle was shown, was published to the American medical magazine “Archives of General Psychiatry” July edition. The american rush Rush Alzheimer's disease center which leads research (Chicago) Robert S of nervous psychology professor. according to Wilson, what already you can see the decrease of the olfactory sense in the person who has minor acknowledgment obstacle is reported to the past, but as for designating the person who completely does not have acknowledgment obstacle when starting the research as the object you say that this research is unprecedented.

 In the latest research, targeting senior citizen 589 of average age approximately 80 years old, you make the smell of 12 types smell, carrying out the olfactory sense inspection which respectively makes the same smell choose from four choices. After that, inspection of nervous function and acknowledgment function year 1 time and 5 years it went. During research period 117 people early sign of the Alzheimer's disease emergence the minor acknowledgment obstacle which is doubted. As for the person where record of olfactory sense inspection is under average, emergence ratio of minor acknowledgment obstacle 50% high thing it was understood in comparison with the person who is above average. As for the result, the Alzheimer's disease starts from obstacle of the specific region of the brain, when it is something which agrees to the thought that spreading and keeping damaging the thought territory Wilson has expressed.

 American Alzheimer's disease association (AA) Gandy Doctor SAM of medical scientific Advisory Committee although this theory approximately is supported, you insist, that olfactory sense inspection becomes index of acknowledgment obstacle, points out that the appraisal with double blind method with the second and third group is needed.

 The developer of the olfactory sense inspection which is used in the latest research, Richard L of American Pennsylvania university medical center. according to Doty, you call this inspection that it has already been utilized at the clinical place. The parkinson's disease and the person who has the patient of the Alzheimer's disease in the blood related person targeting in the result and after carry out this inspection the disease in the person who emerges what you can see the decrease of the olfactory sense is shown, says that the nervous course medicine which utilizes this inspection in diagnosis of discrimination it is.

 It can execute this inspection in about 5 minutes, but now when according to Wilson, there is no effective cure which stops the advance of the Alzheimer's disease, you say that it is not the case that, everyone should receive this inspection directly. But, the medicine which designates the amyloid accumulation of the brain as the target being promising is shown and the remedy which if stops the advance of the disease becomes possible, you say that there is a meaning even in early detection. However, it is not olfactory sense inspection independently diagnosis even with in that case, we have assumed that it means to be used as one among various methods.

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