Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The expectation which increases in the breast reconstruction which uses the fat of the patient himself

The expectation which increases in the breast reconstruction which uses the fat of the patient himself

 You say that the method of reconstructing the breast making use of the fat which was picked from the abdomen and the thigh of the patient himself, gets near to actualization. As for this it is called “Celution” new technology, the American Cytori Therapeutics corporation (San Diego) those which were developed. It cannot utilize with the United States yet, but in Europe the research which deals with the woman who receives breast part excision technique this year (2007) is started in, you say that it is the possibility that it reaches the point where it can utilize in 2009. (Editorial staff note: In Japan at the Kyushu hospital, clinical test of the breast reconstruction which uses beginning Celution for the world is done from 2006 May.)

 This news was published to the English industrial magazine “Chemistry & the Industry” July 9th number with the index, “lunchtime Yutaka chest”, but as for this when it is the expression which causes misunderstanding Eric Daniels doctor and Tom Baker doctor of the Cytori corporation have expressed. It requires 2~3 time for disposal at least, although there is also a possibility of being utilized in the future in the Yutaka chest, it says that at present time it is something which deals with the patient who receives breast part excision and tumor picking out removal.

 With this hand skill first, it extracts adipose tissue from the patient due to the disposal like fat absorption, this after 1 hours or more processing with the Celution system, the playback cell (regenerative cell) it fills to the breast of the patient. The various cells are included in adipose tissue, but as for carrying out important role in reconstruction when it is the trunk cell and the playback cell, Baker has explained.

 American [bibari] Hills (California state) with according to Brian Kinney doctor who serves the formation surgeon, with the plastic surgery fat fill is used generally from before approximately 15 years, although around the eye and the pleat of the nose lip groove, unevenness after the fat absorption technique is arranged, is utilized. Approximately, it reached the point where fat fill to the breast is examined from before the 6~8 year, but the doctor who is executed says that it is little. In addition to the problem that, the fat is easy re-to be absorbed, the fat which re-was absorbed on [manmoguramu] the breast cancer (the cancer) the way it is visible, the point where the identification is difficult feels concern. In addition, also the possibility the aftereffect being possible is pointed out.

 But, if problem of re-absorption is solved, when in the future also the Yutaka chest and the possibility of being utilized in breast reconstruction greatly there is this hand skill, Kinney has expressed. However attention was attracted several years ago, concerning the article, “lunchtime Yutaka chest”, to “weekend similar fairing”, we should trust, unless, you have commented.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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