Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Heart diseased death risk redoubles even with pre- diabetes

Heart diseased death risk redoubles even with pre- diabetes

 There just is an extremely early sign of diabetes the death risk due to the heart disease increasing, was shown in the Australian research. Still, it is not diagnosed diabetes and the [te], the person where the complication is exposed dangerously large number means to exist.

 In the United States approximately 2,000 ten thousand people have contracted a disease in 2 type diabetes, you say that 6,000,000 person does not become aware in the. 5,600 ten thousand people or more “pre- diabetes (pre-diabetes: The symptom before the diabetes)” with there is a stage which is called, healthy state and the resistance sugar talent abnormality which hits to the center of diabetes (IGT) it has. When 2 type diabetes do not produce the insulin where the body is sufficient, or or when the cell has not reacted to the insulin, this state continues, obstacle happens even to the eye, the kidney, the nerve and the heart. Diabetes is well known heart blood vessel diseased risk and as for early making death risk increase, but relationship between minor blood glucose value rise and heart blood vessel diseased risk was not made so far clear.

 As for the latest research which is reported with the American medical magazine “Circulation” June 19th number, the international diabetes laboratory (Melbourne) those by Elizabeth Bar. As for the research group, the Australian “diabetes, obesity and life habit research (AusDiab)” 10,429 person who participated 5 annual pursuit. Oral resistance sugar talent test of the full participant was executed when starting the test, cholesterol value, triglyceride (TG) value was measured. 5 years later, the person of diabetes 2.6 times that of the person where the risk which dies with the heart disease is healthy, the person who the hungry time is abnormal in blood glucose value (makes “pre- diabetes”) with to be 2.5 times, the person who is diabetes and pre- diabetes 2/3 of the whole death in the heart disease had occupied.

 The specialists interpret this knowledge as quite the important alarm bell. Being something where the latest research furthermore supports the past research result strongly, you insert power above so far in management of dangerous factor of the blood vessel disease, the opinion that and, simply the person just of resistance sugar talent abnormality, it is necessary to promote motion and appropriate dietary life it is necessary to recognize the importance of diabetes as a dangerous factor more strongly, and so on opinion is put out.

 But, how it remedies pre- diabetes, the point in addition whether or not it should remedy of, has not become clear. As for the latest research because it is not something which pays attention to remedy, at least, there are times when it returns to the same as the person whose heart diseased risk of the pre- diabetes patient is healthy from this research, whether or not is, there is also the opinion that it is not understood.

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